温度对絮凝剂产品的溶解效果 絮凝剂是一种高效助剂,是我们净化环境的好助手,聚酰胺的正确使用对我们来说非常的重要。只有正确的对聚酰胺进行操作,才可以确保聚酰胺的溶液粘度以及絮凝效果。需对聚酰胺的使用方法有一个更好的了解。 大多数的聚酰胺都是呈固体的形态出售的,用户在使用聚酰胺的时候,还需要对聚酰胺先进行溶解,在使用之**般都需配制成0.1%~0.5%的稀释溶液备用,配制好的溶液较好不要存放太长时间才用,这个浓度范围的溶液在使用之前还需要近一步稀释成0.01~0.05的溶液,形成聚酰胺溶液之后,然后才能够进行使用聚酰胺。要想溶解聚酰胺的话,在溶解时对聚酰胺的搅拌工作是必不可少的。合理的搅拌工作不仅仅可以加速聚酰胺的溶解,而且还可以避免聚酰胺在溶解的时候形成絮团的情况。 温度适当提高可以稍微促进溶解,但温度不宜**过50度,以防发生分子降解!相对分子质量对其不溶性的影响不太明显,但高相对分子质量的聚酰胺在浓度**过10%以后,就会形成凝胶状的结构。聚酰胺在水中的溶解速率不受PH值的影响,但如果是部分水解的PAM产品,PH值偏碱性,其溶解速率会稍稍增高;PH值大于10.5时,聚酰胺就会发生水解. Temperature on the dissolution of flocculants products, flocculants is a high efficiency auxiliaries, is a good assistant to clean the environment, the correct use of Polyacrylamide is very important to us. The correct operation of the Polyacrylamide can ensure the solution viscosity and flocculation effect of the Polyacrylamide. A better understanding of how to use Polyacrylamide is needed. Most Polyacrylamide are sold in solid form, and users need to dissolve the Polyacrylamide prior to using the Polyacrylamide, which is usually prepared in a 0.1% to 0.5% diluted solution before use, the prepared solution should not be stored for long periods of time. A solution in this concentration range needs to be further diluted to 0.01-0.05 to form a Polyacrylamide solution before use, before we can use the Polyacrylamide. In order to dissolve the Polyacrylamide, it is necessary to stir the Polyacrylamide as it dissolves. Proper agitation not only speeds up the dissolution of the Polyacrylamide, but also prevents the Polyacrylamide from forming clumps as it dissolves. Properly raised temperature can slightly promote dissolution, but the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees to prevent molecular degradation! The influence of relative molecular mass on its insolubility is not obvious, but high molecular mass Polyacrylamide will form a gelatinous structure when the concentration is more than 10% . The dissolution rate of Polyacrylamide in water is not affected by the PH value, but if the PAM product is partially hydrolyzed and the Ph value is slightly alkaline, the dissolution rate will be slightly increased; when the PH value is greater than 10.5, water will occur in the Polyacrylamide