阴离子聚酰胺在洗沙工作运用时,不只能够快速的将砂浆中的泥土别离出来,并且在洗沙泥浆压泥过程中,能够促使泥浆快速絮凝抱团,加快泥水别离的速度,降低泥饼的含水率等。正是阴离子聚酰胺优异的絮凝沉积、抱团效果,帮助很多洗沙厂前进了洗沙功率,降低了洗沙本钱,创造了巨大的经济效益。 经过阴离子聚酰胺的处理,洗沙废水的环境污染问题,也得到了解决,本来浑浊的洗沙水变得清澈,洁净,水中的SS含量大大降低。处理之后的水质完**够回用、灌溉、排放至鱼塘、河道中,在保护环境的过程中,还大大前进了水资源的利用率,为用户节省了很多的用水本钱。所以,无论是从处理效果、环境保护,仍是从经济效益等方面对比、核算,阴离子聚酰胺都是物有所值、物**所值。 When anionic polyacrylamide is used in sand washing, it can not only quickly separate the soil in the mortar, but also promote the rapid flocculation and agglomeration of the mud, speed up the separation of mud and water, and reduce the moisture content of mud cake during the mud pressing process of sand washing mud. It is the excellent flocculation deposition and agglomeration effect of anionic polyacrylamide that helps many sand washing plants advance the sand washing power, reduce the sand washing cost and create huge economic benefits. After the treatment of anionic polyacrylamide, the environmental pollution of sand washing wastewater has also been solved. The originally turbid sand washing water has become clear and clean, and the SS content in the water has been greatly reduced. The treated water quality can be reused, irrigated and discharged into fish ponds and rivers. In the process of protecting the environment, it also greatly improves the utilization rate of water resources and saves a lot of water costs for users. Therefore, anionic polyacrylamide is value for money and value for money, whether in terms of treatment effect, environmental protection or economic benefits.